
I’m not an expert

This topic could touch on many areas. I rate myself as an excellent tester, but I’m no expert in the field (I’m not “book smart”). I used to have great domain knowledge, but lately I’ve struggled after moving project and finding myself not understanding a word of what people are talking about (not fun when people look to you for answers).

This post is on security testing. I am not an expert.

I find the field very interesting and also the more I learn, the more I know how important it is. This is why I’ve spoken about security testing at TestBash UK, along with talks, a blog post and created a card game all on threat modelling (something I enjoy, even if I’m not that great at it!).

But I’m not an expert.

I recently attended a work cyber security conference. There we had people who have years, even decades, of experience in various aspects of security. They live and breathe it. Pen testers are doing incredibly clever and technical things to get into systems that I just wouldn’t have a clue on. I am years away from their level and even with the best will in the world, I may never reach that.

But that is fine. I don’t have to be an expert.

What I have wanted to stress to people through my posts, activities and talks is that even if we’re not experts, we can find security issues. Whether this is through threat modelling, asking the right questions in planning or adding some injection test data into our usual set of inputs, if we can find these problems earlier, we can fix them earlier and ultimately build better and more secure software.

The other side of me wanting to reject the expert label is that it makes it seem like the level I’ve reached is somehow further to achieve for the average tester. That isn’t the case. I’ve just been fortunate enough to get a small amount of training, maybe a few hours a month, for a couple of years (and much of that wasn’t relevant to testing).

So I want to end by saying, please don’t view me as an expert. I’ve just dabbled a little more than most folk. Join me on this journey into becoming security newbie – it is great fun!

Experience Reports

Collaborative reflections

Earlier this year I wrote about my changing role and push to help improve working practices and support my teams in testing.

In terms of my role, it is certainly coming together. Over the past few weeks I’ve been getting involved more and more with teams and helping teams reflect on quality. My big win is that my email signature is updated to state “Senior Test Engineer” (although my mug says “QA Lead”, which confused me a little).

What I wanted to delve into in this post was that reflection.

One initiative that I’ve started driving is regular bug RCA sessions.

I’ve found these to be interesting sessions and generally I’ve been pleased at how people have been open and honest. This is an essential requirement for teams to learn, develop and improve. Whilst my nature says “oh its all the teams doing this”, I think I deserve a wee bit of credit for setting the tone.

Before we got started and at the start of the session I like to stress that it isn’t about blame. It is a collaborative effort to ship a bug. Similarly mistakes will happen, which is why we have processes and practices in place to help us catch and rectify things. If one person is truly to blame, we have bigger problems.

I’ve also been attending, and on occasion facilitating retrospectives.

In both my retros and RCAs one thing I’ve done is play on (and exaggerate) my inexperience in the team’s working practices and software. Being a “question asker” is a valuable quality of a tester and I’ve been experimenting with this. I quite like “tell it to me like I’m an idiot” or “assume I know nothing” (perhaps a Jon Snow costume could enhance this?). The goal here is to get people talking and explaining. It also means that I can ask “so do you all do X testing?” then “Ah okay, you mind me asking why not?” and finally “how can I help?”.

Basically if I have a suspicion, I’ll ask a bunch of questions “to help me get up to speed” and hopefully surface that without being direct (and potentially causing conflict). I’ll also repeat what people have said back to the group to reinforce and also help confirm that understanding. It’s especially useful to move a discussion forward.

I’ve been learning about coaching Vs teaching, especially through talks from the likes of Vernon Richards and Stu Day. I feel like this has helped me act not just as a facilitator but a bit of a coach in this role, but I realise that I still have a tendency to lead with some of my questions to get people talking on what I want, not necessarily where they might have headed naturally.

Finally the other thing I’ve been doing is remotely joining and listening in to meetings whilst I work. Teams can ask my opinion if they want, otherwise I’ll be learning how they work, picking up on things then trying to feed that back when relevant, whether that is between teams or within the team itself.